
Robot obeys to commands and gestures

ARMAR Robot Learns by Watching

A robot helping in the household no longer is a dream of the future. ARMAR, the humanoid robot, can understand commands and execute them independently. For instance, it gets the milk out of the fridge. Thanks to cameras and sensors, it orients itself in the room, recognizes objects, and grasps them with the necessary sensitivity. Additionally, it reacts to gestures and learns by watching a human colleague how to empty a dishwasher or clean the counter.

Thus, it adapts naturally to our environment. At the CeBIT, ARMAR will show how it moves between a refrigerator, counter, and dishwasher.

A video on ARMAR can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x1G0nkSd9w

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Robot obeys to commands and gestures

TAG:Robotics Research Engineering Vehicles Robotics Artificial Intelligence Information Technology

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