
Five Ways To Make Your Eyes Brighter-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

One- go back to the basics. Look at the color wheel and memorize corresponding colors. What applies in art applies in makeup. Blue and orange, for example, look wonderful together. Use blue eye shadow with orange-tinted lipstick to really give a bright and fresh look.

Two- Metallics are in. Silver and gold eye shadow and mascara are back in style. The more glamour and glisten the better. The recent American Music Awards displayed an array of beautiful women in black with silver and gold highlights in their clothing and makeup.

Three- Don t hide behind your glasses. While bigger frames are in for sunglasses, it has rarely been fashionable to hide your natural beauty behind indoor frames. Think frameless and designer, good brands for this are Ralph Lauren, Prada and Nike.

Four Remember your hair and skin tones are important. Ignore fashion trends than do not apply to your specific shape and color. Dior frames are intricate and flashy, if your clothing is normally one-color and pattern-less than these frames would be hard to pull off. If you have dark hair and skin, then white frames are too stark, and the opposite is true for light skin.

Five Have fun! Remember than fashion is about passion for color, texture, risk and fun! If you are not having fun with your look than you are doing it wrong.

Five Ways To Make Your Eyes Brighter

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