
Spotting Fakes 10 Tips To Notice Knock Off Shades.-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Over the past couple of years, the designer sunglasses market has become exposed to rapidly increasing numbers of fake or replica copies.

It doesn t take a genius to work out that not all designer products sold on Ebay are authentic. In fact, some Ebayers estimate the numbers of copied pieces to be around 90%. What s more, producers of these designer knock off s have gone as far as setting up websites palming off these cheap products as the real deal to unsuspecting customers.

For buyers, the process of distinguishing between fakes and the real McCoy can be a long and difficult one. And it s not just a case of knowing you have the genuine article, the issues surrounding fake sunglasses is deeper than simply a poor quality product.

There s the fundamental matter protecting your eyes against the suns harmful U.V. rays. Studies into sunglasses by the Eyesmart campaign suggest that, sunglasses need to have protection against both UV and UV-B rays. Given that the majority of replica sunglasses are made with cheap plastic lenses, they provide your eyes no protection against the harmful rays.

Dr. Farooq Afzal from PIMS (Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences) suggests that cheap knock-off s are damaging more then just to your wallet and style.

He said: The retina of the eye spreads to its maximum extent when a person tries to thoroughly see through the plastic lenses. It also causes opening of the inner shutter of the eye, which is highly sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

So, we know the facts, fakes are bad for your health, but how do you make sure that you re getting exactly what they have paid for

SendOptics.com, a leading, genuine online retailer has come up with the top ten tips to spot a fake.

1.Trust Me
Make sure that the site you re looking at is a trusted website. Use a legitimate supplier to ensure you get those stunning, authentic sunglasses you so deserve.

2.Too good to be true
Remember that old cliché if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. If it s too cheap, it s probably a fake. If you re getting a pair of Chanel 4145 sunglasses that retail at around £178 for £89, there s a catch.

3.Guaranteed satisfaction
Check that the seller offers guaranteed authenticity. If the sunglasses are new, sellers should also, by law, offer a one-year money back guarantee. Look for sellers promoting these, to reduce your changes of buying fraudulent glasses.

4.For Real
It may sound daft, but check that the model, colour and style actually exist.
Check out a couple of reputable websites to make sure the product you re buying is real and does actually exist.

5.Pictures say a 1000 words
Check the products in the flesh, this then gives you a bench mark when looking at pictures. Check that the logos are correct and in the right position, look at the detailing and most importantly, what does the quality feel like. All designer sunglasses should arrive in pristine condition. If you re shopping on Ebay, ensure that the sellers have included their own photos of the product, not the standard manufacturers issue.

6.To Ebay or not to Ebay
If buying on Ebay, a few simple common sense steps help to minimise your risk. Check the sellers feedback, make sure they have a large number of positive reviews and ensure the reviews are about designer sunglasses. It is not uncommon for sellers to attempt to raise their feedback by selling negligible items such as E-books.

7.Ask questions
Don t be shy asking the seller questions; authentic sellers are more likely to respond. The response is also a good indication as to where the seller is based; Poor English suggests that the products will be dispatched from a foreign country, and therefore might be fakes.

8.Location, Location, Location
Check the seller s location. If it s a genuine company they ll have a postal address and a VAT number on the website. A vast number of these knock off sunglasses are exported from countries such as China that s not to say they re all dodgy, there are authentic sellers from this country but just take extra care.

It s not just the genuine brand logo that you should be looking out for. Once your sunglasses have arrived check to see if they have a CE logo. The CE logo is a stamp of endorsement that the product has passed European Conformity tests, and qualify to be safely sold in the EU.

10.Calling card
The product should come with a cleaning cloth and guarantee card, without which it is likely that the sunglasses are not authentic. Most designer sunglasses come in boxes or with transporting bags. For example, Oakley glasses come with a metal vault this too can be checked to prove authenticity.

After all of this, should you still be unsure of whether your new sunglasses are authentic or not, most designers are willing to check your products free of charge. Alternatively, you can call a reputable company like SendOptics.com, who with over 20 years of experience in selling authentic designer sunglasses can answer all your questions.

Spotting Fakes 10 Tips To Notice Knock Off Shades.

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