
Cisco, NXP push commercialization of Car-to-X communication

Cisco, NXP push commercialization of Car-to-X communication

Car-to-X communications is about to get ready for market entry, and the first players are preparing for a fast start: Network equipment manufacturer Cisco and chipmaker NXP both have invested in equipment maker Cohda Wireless, an expert company in automotive safety applications. The move brings together the expertise of the three organizations to make the Internet of Everything a reality for the automotive industry, creating a safer and more enjoyable driving experience while improving the traffic flow.

Car-to-Car (C2C) and Car-to-Infrastructure (C2I) communications enable active safety systems that can, according to U.S. Department of Transportation, affect 81 percent of all crash scenarios and as a result help to reduce fatalities and injuries on the roads. In addition to improving safety, (C2I) holds great potential for intelligent transport system (ITS) management and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles.

C2C and C2I communications require highly reliable and secure data exchange between fast moving vehicles and infrastructure in a range of conditions – from rural highway to dense urban canyons. NXP and Cohda Wireless have built a market-ready, flexible wireless communication solution for onboard-units based on Cohda's existing advanced radio and NXP's market-proven software-defined radio technology. This makes it a key element to connect to Cisco's vision of a ubiquitous and highly-secure Internet of Everything.

Onboard and road side units developed using technologies from the three companies have been tested to global standards in major field trials. In August 2012, the "Safety Pilot Model Deployment" trial by the US Department of Transport was initiated, and other major field trials include simTD in Germany, ScoreF in France, and ERP2 in Singapore.

The three companies announced that they will apply their collective expertise and technologies to help automotive OEMs, suppliers, enterprises and consumers to connect vehicles with ITS infrastructure. This will be spearheaded by producing the first automotive-qualified IEEE 802.11p products for onboard and road-side units that are ready for C2C and C2I deployments across the globe.

Cohda's technology enhances wireless communications to quality levels far beyond commercial off-the-shelf IEEE 802.11p transceivers, allowing cars to more effectively "see" through obstacles or around corners. NXP, as global number one supplier of car radio semiconductors and security chips, brings its software-defined radio platform and ensures industry-ready data security, cost efficiency, form factor, power consumption, and performance. Together, Cisco, NXP, and Cohda will develop a complete market-ready solution for the automotive and ITS industry.

NXP will exclusively license the Cohda 802.11p technology together with its chipsets as a one-stop shop to automotive customers. Cohda will be NXP's preferred partner for automotive 802.11p reference designs.

Cisco is helping the automotive and transportation systems industries deliver new functionality, enhanced safety and driver experience. By incorporating an intelligent network, OEMs, suppliers, enterprises and consumers can benefit from intelligent transportation systems, connected commercial fleets and smart connected vehicles.

This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.

TAG:Car to X communication connected vehicles C2X infotainment Cohda C2C C2I

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