
7 thoughts on VMWare's $1.26B bid for Nicira

7 thoughts on VMWare's $1.26B bid for Nicira

SAN JOSE – It's Gold Rush time in California again thanks to VMWare’s proposed $1.26 billion acquisition of Nicira Inc., a startup pioneering software-defined networking. There’s no doubt there’s gold in them thar hills, but it’s too early to tell how much and who will drag the bullion to the bank.

I have seven observations after spending a good chunk of last week hearing commentary on the deal. In short, there is gold here, but how much is a matter of some debate. There’s pressure to jump in the stream with engineers among the first getting wet. Expect some industry realignment before we are done. Cloud computing plays a substantial role. And there are more loose ends here than in a stack of denim at a Levi’s factory.

First some background.

Software defined networks (SDNs) take network jobs run in protocols supported by router and switch ASICs and turn them into server apps. The goal is to shorten the time and effort it takes to set up and manage networks.

Stanford University got the ball rolling on SDN with its Clean Slate program in 2002. By 2007, three of the leading thinkers in the field were creating a vision of software-defined networks, an anti-protocol interface called OpenFlow to implement it and a company called Nicira to create the software products based on it.

The people and their ideas were compelling enough to attract $50 million in venture capital. Late last year Nicira announced its Network Virtualization Platform along with five customers for it–AT&T, eBay, NTT, Rackspace and Fidelity Investments.

Meanwhile VMWare, grown big and hungry as a supplier of virtualization software for servers, has been trying to extend its reach into the cloud. Bigger rivals such as Hewlett-Packard and IBM were threatening to eat its lunch. So VMWare snatched up Nicira and the Gold Rush began.

1. This is real

A Verizon technical manager said he has seen the glinting metal of SDN and it passed his test.

“If we continue to build networks the same way we have and project our growth into the future, it becomes an untenable business model,” said Prodip Sen, who heads a dozen-person advanced architecture group for the carrier.

“With SDN, I can separate out parts of networks, introduce new services faster and assess costs to each piece that provides a given service,” said Sen at the NetEvents Americas conference in Miami last week. “If I cannot do that, I can’t plan my business properly,” he added.

So Verizon is working with Hewlett-Packard and Intel to create a set of SDN test labs. The trio created some proof-of-concept demos last year. Now they are working on new ones based on real user scenarios with plans for field trials next year.

In this way, SDN is part of a broad effort to expand from pushing bits to owning business processes. “We are moving away from managing devices to managing services, and operators are trying to figure this out,” said Greg Gum, chief marketing and business development officer for equipment provider Telco Systems.

In a blog, Nicira investor Ben Horowitz pitches SDN as part of a 30-year change of era in communications, making the process of setting up and running networks easier and more open.
Next: 2. It’s very big
TAG:Open Networking Foundation Big Switch Networks Software Defined Networks Open Source Gold Rush VMWare Nicira Networking Routers SDNs Servers Cisco Stanford ONF Virtualization Embran

7 thoughts on VMWare's $1.26B bid for Nicira

7 thoughts on VMWare's $1.26B bid for Nicira

SAN JOSE – It's Gold Rush time in California again thanks to VMWare’s proposed $1.26 billion acquisition of Nicira Inc., a startup pioneering software-defined networking. There’s no doubt there’s gold in them thar hills, but it’s too early to tell how much and who will drag the bullion to the bank.

I have seven observations after spending a good chunk of last week hearing commentary on the deal. In short, there is gold here, but how much is a matter of some debate. There’s pressure to jump in the stream with engineers among the first getting wet. Expect some industry realignment before we are done. Cloud computing plays a substantial role. And there are more loose ends here than in a stack of denim at a Levi’s factory.

First some background.

Software defined networks (SDNs) take network jobs run in protocols supported by router and switch ASICs and turn them into server apps. The goal is to shorten the time and effort it takes to set up and manage networks.

Stanford University got the ball rolling on SDN with its Clean Slate program in 2002. By 2007, three of the leading thinkers in the field were creating a vision of software-defined networks, an anti-protocol interface called OpenFlow to implement it and a company called Nicira to create the software products based on it.

The people and their ideas were compelling enough to attract $50 million in venture capital. Late last year Nicira announced its Network Virtualization Platform along with five customers for it–AT&T, eBay, NTT, Rackspace and Fidelity Investments.

Meanwhile VMWare, grown big and hungry as a supplier of virtualization software for servers, has been trying to extend its reach into the cloud. Bigger rivals such as Hewlett-Packard and IBM were threatening to eat its lunch. So VMWare snatched up Nicira and the Gold Rush began.

1. This is real

A Verizon technical manager said he has seen the glinting metal of SDN and it passed his test.

“If we continue to build networks the same way we have and project our growth into the future, it becomes an untenable business model,” said Prodip Sen, who heads a dozen-person advanced architecture group for the carrier.

“With SDN, I can separate out parts of networks, introduce new services faster and assess costs to each piece that provides a given service,” said Sen at the NetEvents Americas conference in Miami last week. “If I cannot do that, I can’t plan my business properly,” he added.

So Verizon is working with Hewlett-Packard and Intel to create a set of SDN test labs. The trio created some proof-of-concept demos last year. Now they are working on new ones based on real user scenarios with plans for field trials next year.

In this way, SDN is part of a broad effort to expand from pushing bits to owning business processes. “We are moving away from managing devices to managing services, and operators are trying to figure this out,” said Greg Gum, chief marketing and business development officer for equipment provider Telco Systems.

In a blog, Nicira investor Ben Horowitz pitches SDN as part of a 30-year change of era in communications, making the process of setting up and running networks easier and more open.
Next: 2. It’s very big
TAG:Open Networking Foundation Big Switch Networks Software Defined Networks Open Source Gold Rush VMWare Nicira Networking Routers SDNs Servers Cisco Stanford ONF Virtualization Embran



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海上雅集精品欣赏:溥仪家族后裔旧藏 海上雅集精品欣赏:溥仪家族后裔旧藏 海上雅集精品欣赏:溥仪家族后裔旧藏 海上雅集精品欣赏:溥仪家族后裔旧藏 海上雅集精品欣赏:溥仪家族后裔旧藏 海上雅集精品欣赏:溥仪家族后裔旧藏


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TAG:云南将办大师展培养玉雕人才 翡翠 翡翠手镯 feicui 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



  中新网7月27日电 据美国《星岛日报》报道,当局表示,一名识货小偷在纽约皇后区长岛市一家古董店偷走了一只价值2万元的18世纪中国玉杯.

  报道援引《每日新闻》消息指出,这只有300年历史的玉杯是于24日在长岛市的Antique Reader古董店被偷走.华裔店主吴卡卢(Kalu Wu,译音)说:“这是我们最贵的一件货物”.


  杯柄上刻着龙纹,而杯身也雕刻着复杂的图案.经理江威尔(Will Jiang,译音)说,贼人必定是知道它的价值才出手,“他一定是行内人”.

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  大武口区人民检察院审查后认为,杨某、黄某以非法占有为目的,结伙秘密窃取他人财物价值1.1万元,其行为已构成盗窃罪.依法提起公诉后,经法院审理,杨某被判处有期徒刑三年,并处罚金3000元;黄某被判处有期徒刑两年三个月,并处罚金2000元.(记者 许安平 通讯员 周小龙)

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TAG:调虎离山偷古董盗窃大戏演砸了 翡翠 翡翠手镯 feicui 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



  中国江苏网7月30日讯 (记者 王鹏 通讯员 蒋永磊) 由江苏卫视国际频道和宿迁市广播电视总台主办,宿迁市收藏家协会协办的“中国苏丝《甄宝坊》栏目大型公益鉴宝活动走进宿迁”28日在市文化艺术中心隆重举行.


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瞿利军-和田玉籽料岁岁平安把件 瞿利军-和田玉籽料岁岁平安把件 和田玉籽料-必定成龙-蒋喜 和田玉籽料-必定成龙-蒋喜 葛洪-和田玉籽料-悟道 葛洪-和田玉籽料-悟道





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TAG:当代玉雕精品无底价拍卖即将开拍 翡翠 翡翠手镯 feicui 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



  ■新快报(微博)记者 吴笋林 实习生 余洁晶 熊嘉恩










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TAG:15件玉器离奇失踪拍卖师被控诈骗获刑 翡翠 翡翠手镯 feicui 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



众多爱心人士积极参与珠宝慈善拍卖. 本报见习记者 修从涛 摄 众多爱心人士积极参与珠宝慈善拍卖. 本报见习记者 修从涛 摄



  据了解,此次竞拍的珠宝中,最低成交价格10元,最高价格达到20000多元.“这个缅甸翡翠原石物超所值,我非常中意.”竞得一块翡翠玉石的刘女士说.据此次拍卖的负责人介绍,参加此次无底价拍卖的珠宝都是以低于成本价成交,“个别玉石的成本价高出成交价的上百倍甚至千倍.” 本报见习记者 修从涛

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  生活报7月29日讯 投资后不仅能拿高额红利,还能分玉器,天上掉下这样的馅饼可信吗?“你到我这里投资.不但有高额红利的反馈,还会赠你价值5000元的玉器.”一家玉器行老板开出的诱人的投资条件,让很多人趋之若鹜.然而,在玉石翡翠包装过的花言巧语下,实则隐藏着一个特大集资诈骗犯罪团伙.近日,大庆市东湖公安分局经过37天的缜密侦查,成功打掉一个特大集资诈骗犯罪集团,抓获犯罪嫌疑人6名,涉案金额1200余万元,受害群众150余人,缴获赃款500余万元,玉器1000余件,车辆4台,商业房产一处,为受害群众挽回损失价值达800余万元.











  抓捕—— 6名涉案人员被捕









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Synopsys buys EDA vendor Ciranova

Synopsys buys EDA vendor Ciranova

SAN FRANCISCO—EDA and IP vendor Synopsys Inc. said Monday (July 30) it completed the acquisition of EDA tool vendor Ciranova Inc. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

Ciranova, founded in 2003, provides analog and mixed-signal IC layout tools. The company is focused on delivering productivity improvements in custom IC design by reducing the time and effort needed to develop transistor-level layout on advanced nodes

Synopsys (Mountain View, Calif.) said it would utilize Ciranova's technology to advance its custom IC design tools and enable design teams to better meet the productivity challenges created by the complexity of nanometer designs.

"This acquisition creates an opportunity to deliver productivity gains by integrating Ciranova's Helix placer with Synopsys' custom design solution," said Paul Lo, senior vice president and general manager of Synopsys' Analog Mixed-Signal Group, in a statement.

Both Synopsys and Ciranova were founding members of the Interoperable PDK Libraries (IPL) Alliance—an industry standard organization established to develop an interoperable eco-system for custom design. Lo said the acquisition of Ciranova underscores Synopsys' commitment to enabling an interoperable process design kit ecosystem.

"To ensure the long-term growth of the iPDK ecosystem, Synopsys will continue providing Ciranova's PyCell Studio and PyCell usage at no charge," Lo said.

Chip makers and the EDA community have been working toward the goal of open PDKs for years. Some EDA companies, notably Cadence Design Systems Inc., have resisted joining the IPL Appliance, viewing it as a competitive threat to its own proprietary format.

TAG:Synopsys Ciranova Analog EDA

Synopsys buys EDA vendor Ciranova

Synopsys buys EDA vendor Ciranova

SAN FRANCISCO—EDA and IP vendor Synopsys Inc. said Monday (July 30) it completed the acquisition of EDA tool vendor Ciranova Inc. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

Ciranova, founded in 2003, provides analog and mixed-signal IC layout tools. The company is focused on delivering productivity improvements in custom IC design by reducing the time and effort needed to develop transistor-level layout on advanced nodes

Synopsys (Mountain View, Calif.) said it would utilize Ciranova's technology to advance its custom IC design tools and enable design teams to better meet the productivity challenges created by the complexity of nanometer designs.

"This acquisition creates an opportunity to deliver productivity gains by integrating Ciranova's Helix placer with Synopsys' custom design solution," said Paul Lo, senior vice president and general manager of Synopsys' Analog Mixed-Signal Group, in a statement.

Both Synopsys and Ciranova were founding members of the Interoperable PDK Libraries (IPL) Alliance—an industry standard organization established to develop an interoperable eco-system for custom design. Lo said the acquisition of Ciranova underscores Synopsys' commitment to enabling an interoperable process design kit ecosystem.

"To ensure the long-term growth of the iPDK ecosystem, Synopsys will continue providing Ciranova's PyCell Studio and PyCell usage at no charge," Lo said.

Chip makers and the EDA community have been working toward the goal of open PDKs for years. Some EDA companies, notably Cadence Design Systems Inc., have resisted joining the IPL Appliance, viewing it as a competitive threat to its own proprietary format.

TAG:Synopsys Ciranova Analog EDA

Synopsys buys EDA vendor Ciranova

Synopsys buys EDA vendor Ciranova

SAN FRANCISCO—EDA and IP vendor Synopsys Inc. said Monday (July 30) it completed the acquisition of EDA tool vendor Ciranova Inc. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

Ciranova, founded in 2003, provides analog and mixed-signal IC layout tools. The company is focused on delivering productivity improvements in custom IC design by reducing the time and effort needed to develop transistor-level layout on advanced nodes

Synopsys (Mountain View, Calif.) said it would utilize Ciranova's technology to advance its custom IC design tools and enable design teams to better meet the productivity challenges created by the complexity of nanometer designs.

"This acquisition creates an opportunity to deliver productivity gains by integrating Ciranova's Helix placer with Synopsys' custom design solution," said Paul Lo, senior vice president and general manager of Synopsys' Analog Mixed-Signal Group, in a statement.

Both Synopsys and Ciranova were founding members of the Interoperable PDK Libraries (IPL) Alliance—an industry standard organization established to develop an interoperable eco-system for custom design. Lo said the acquisition of Ciranova underscores Synopsys' commitment to enabling an interoperable process design kit ecosystem.

"To ensure the long-term growth of the iPDK ecosystem, Synopsys will continue providing Ciranova's PyCell Studio and PyCell usage at no charge," Lo said.

Chip makers and the EDA community have been working toward the goal of open PDKs for years. Some EDA companies, notably Cadence Design Systems Inc., have resisted joining the IPL Appliance, viewing it as a competitive threat to its own proprietary format.

TAG:Synopsys Ciranova Analog EDA

London Calling: CIA partners with UK RF firm

London Calling: CIA partners with UK RF firm

In-Q-Tel, the investment wing of the Central Intelligence Agency, has entered into a partnership with Lime Microsystems Ltd. to develop transceiver technology.

In-Q-Tel usually secures its partnerships with investment but no investment sum was disclosed by Lime (Guildford, England). The alliance is intended to advance the use of multi-band, multi-standard transceivers for use in both commercial and government applications, according to Lime.

Lime has pioneered flexible RF for use in small basestations and multiple standard receivers for a number of years. Its LMS6002D is a fully integrated multi-band, multi-standard single-chip RF transceiver for 3GPP (WCDMA/HSPA and LTE), 3GPP2 (CDMA2000) and WiMax applications. It can be digitally configured to operate in 16 user-selectable bandwidths up to 28-MHz.

"IQT's partners require exceptional reliability, high performance and a proven product, so the partnership is a significant validation of both our transceiver and our stringent manufacturing and testing procedures," said Lime CEO, Ebrahim Bushehri, in a statement.

Lower cost LEDS on GaN

Plessey Semiconductors Ltd. (Plymouth, England), a well known name from the past of electronics, has taken delivery of an Aixtron reactor able to process seven 6-inch wafers at a time to create a production line for high brightness LEDs. Plessey is using its own technology to make gallium-nitride-on-silicon wafers.

"We use a much thinner GaN layer at only 2.5-micron compared to 6 to 8 micron other GaN-on-silicon technologies," said Neil Harper, Plessey's HBLED product line director, in a statement. Thinner GaN means less deposition time and more LED production cycles per unit time.

The GaN-on-silicon LEDs are capable of 150 lumens per watt efficiency and Plessey expects 95 percent yields so that six wafers can produce 14,000 high brightness LEDs of 1 square millimetre in area. Plessey intends to move to 8-inch substrates in the future for even greater cost savings.

The first samples of a blue LED are characterised by peak emission at a wavelength of 460-nm with typical current of 350-mA. The technology extends to other emission wavelengths with, for example, cyan at 500-nm and green at 530-nm with amber and white output enabled by phosphor conversion. White output will initially achieve 80 lumens per watt available later this year, and 150 lumens per watt devices are planned for June 2013.

Samsung rules the cellphone roost

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is king of the hill across all types of cellphone according to market research from IHS-iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.). Interestingly the 2Q12 results show Nokia still a significant second place player behind Samsung (see table below).

Related links and articles:

Samsung eating Apple's smartphone iLunch

Plessey lowers cost of electric-field sensor

GainSpan raises $18 million from Intel Capital, In-Q-Tel, others

TAG:CIA In Q Tel Lime Plessey semiconductor Samsung Nokia Apple

London Calling: CIA partners with UK RF firm

London Calling: CIA partners with UK RF firm

In-Q-Tel, the investment wing of the Central Intelligence Agency, has entered into a partnership with Lime Microsystems Ltd. to develop transceiver technology.

In-Q-Tel usually secures its partnerships with investment but no investment sum was disclosed by Lime (Guildford, England). The alliance is intended to advance the use of multi-band, multi-standard transceivers for use in both commercial and government applications, according to Lime.

Lime has pioneered flexible RF for use in small basestations and multiple standard receivers for a number of years. Its LMS6002D is a fully integrated multi-band, multi-standard single-chip RF transceiver for 3GPP (WCDMA/HSPA and LTE), 3GPP2 (CDMA2000) and WiMax applications. It can be digitally configured to operate in 16 user-selectable bandwidths up to 28-MHz.

"IQT's partners require exceptional reliability, high performance and a proven product, so the partnership is a significant validation of both our transceiver and our stringent manufacturing and testing procedures," said Lime CEO, Ebrahim Bushehri, in a statement.

Lower cost LEDS on GaN

Plessey Semiconductors Ltd. (Plymouth, England), a well known name from the past of electronics, has taken delivery of an Aixtron reactor able to process seven 6-inch wafers at a time to create a production line for high brightness LEDs. Plessey is using its own technology to make gallium-nitride-on-silicon wafers.

"We use a much thinner GaN layer at only 2.5-micron compared to 6 to 8 micron other GaN-on-silicon technologies," said Neil Harper, Plessey's HBLED product line director, in a statement. Thinner GaN means less deposition time and more LED production cycles per unit time.

The GaN-on-silicon LEDs are capable of 150 lumens per watt efficiency and Plessey expects 95 percent yields so that six wafers can produce 14,000 high brightness LEDs of 1 square millimetre in area. Plessey intends to move to 8-inch substrates in the future for even greater cost savings.

The first samples of a blue LED are characterised by peak emission at a wavelength of 460-nm with typical current of 350-mA. The technology extends to other emission wavelengths with, for example, cyan at 500-nm and green at 530-nm with amber and white output enabled by phosphor conversion. White output will initially achieve 80 lumens per watt available later this year, and 150 lumens per watt devices are planned for June 2013.

Samsung rules the cellphone roost

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is king of the hill across all types of cellphone according to market research from IHS-iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.). Interestingly the 2Q12 results show Nokia still a significant second place player behind Samsung (see table below).

Related links and articles:

Samsung eating Apple's smartphone iLunch

Plessey lowers cost of electric-field sensor

GainSpan raises $18 million from Intel Capital, In-Q-Tel, others

TAG:CIA In Q Tel Lime Plessey semiconductor Samsung Nokia Apple

Samsung eating Apple smartphone iLunch

Samsung eating Apple smartphone iLunch

LONDON – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has regained the lead in the smartphone market in 2Q12, six month after losing out to Apple, according to market research firm IHS-iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.).

Samsung's sales rose 5 percent to 36 million units, up from 34 million in the first quarter. Meanwhile, Apple suffered a 26 percent decline in shipments to 26 million units, down from 35 million in the first quarter, according to the market research firm.

It could be that people are holding off from acquiring Apple iPhone's because of rumors the iPhone 5 is going to launch in September. However, if that launch gets pushed back due to a shortage of 28-nm silicon Apple could be left with egg its face.

While the other smartphone companies disclose exact shipment numbers for overall cellphones and smartphones, Samsung doesn’t provide precise figures, instead offering general guidance. Because of this, IHS estimates the Samsung cellphone and smartphone shipment numbers.

Wayne Lam, senior analyst, wireless communications, for IHS, said that by the end of the second quarter, there were about 3 million iPhones in the sales channel that had not been sold to consumers. He said he expected Apple's sales to bounce back once the iPhone 5 goes on sale.

Smartphone shipments from Nokia declined by 14 percent in 2Q12 to 10 million units, down from 12 million in 1Q12. The fact the Symbian based cell phones are still outselling Windows-based Lumia phones indicates that Nokia is a long way from turning the company around, said Lam.

"With the Galaxy SIII, Samsung launched the Samsung Music Hub featuring its own music streaming and download service in which the consumer has a direct billing relationship with Samsung," said Daniel Gleeson, mobile media analyst for IHS, in a statement. "Samsung is trying to replicate the strong loyalty iPhone users have to Apple's phones, ensuring a solid base for future sales. While almost all Android manufacturers try to provide some user-interface differentiation to add value to their brands, this is one of the first instances of a smartphone manufacturer directly offering consumers a service."

Related links and articles:

Apple coming to dominate electronics supply chain

MeeGo smartphone firm emerges from Nokia

London Calling: Europe's busy week

TAG:Samsung Apple Nokia smartphone


Wireless is bright sector in slow chip market, says IHS

Wireless is bright sector in slow chip market, says IHS

LONDON – Global semiconductor component revenue is expected to rise by 3 percent to $320.8 billion 2012, according to IHS iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.). The market research firm said that wireless market growth would be a highlight in an otherwise lackluster year.

IHS projects that semiconductor component revenue in the wireless communications category for 2012 is projected to reach $72.6 billion, up 10.4 percent from $65.8 billion in 2011. Only one other category – industrial electronics, with anticipated revenue growth of 7.7 percent – will come close this year to approaching the expansion rate of the wireless segment.

Semiconductor revenue is set to rise by just 0.7 percent in wired communications, by 1.3 percent in consumer electronics and by 2.7 percent in automotive electronics. The markets for two sectors will contract in 2012 – by 1.9 percent in data processing and by 17.9 percent in memory multichip packages (MCP).

"Semiconductor manufacturers should be cautious about engaging in any activities that do not support next-generation wireless applications," said Len Jelinek, director and chief analyst of semiconductor manufacturing at IHS, in a statement.

The strength and longevity of the ongoing growth cycle will depend on how the global economy performs through the summer. Consumer spending is being watched closely for indicators of whether people are willing to spend in the coming holiday buying season. For the remainder of 2012, inventory management will remain the most critical metric for the semiconductor market.

Related links and articles:

Higher gas prices drives car, automotive IC sales

Power semi market worth $20 billion in 2012, says Yole

Analyst lowers 2012 chip market growth forecast

TAG:IHS iSuppli market research semiconductor

Auto IC gains breathe new life into car market

Auto IC gains breathe new life into car market

GENEVA, Switzerland -- The demise of the automobile has been greatly exaggerated thanks in large part to engineering innovations by automotive electronics companies.

The auto market has been revived through a broad range of engineering innovations from suppliers like STMicroelectronics, based here, along with rivals Freescale Semiconductor and Japan’s Renesas Electronics. Among the innovations either in testing or production are technologies to help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, improved fuel efficiency and new passenger safety features.

Meanwhile, the self-driving car is no longer a dream and the automobile is becoming, for better or worse, the ultimate mobile communications and entertainment hub.

"The most important trend within the market continues to be the greater integration of infotainment features into vehicles' central head units in the dashboard or front console,” market watcher IHS said in a recent report. Making this possible are both wired and wireless connectivity features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and USB for use in navigation and telematics.

"The future of the automotive is bright," predicted Marco Monti, executive vice president and general manager of ST's automotive product group. "It used to be an object that was considered dangerous, but it is becoming a tool that is having less impact on the environment.” What’s more, the growing number of infotainment features in cars are fast becoming must-haves for consumers.

Electronics have vastly improved auto functionality, Monti added, giving drivers a batch of new sensors ranging from cameras to gyroscopes. The next step will be integrating cars with networks and greater vehicle autonomy. "You can have a car that is behaving independently of your judgment. It is getting to a point where you don't always need to know how the car is working. It just does,” Monti said.

Delivering vehicles crammed with new features while determining consumer preferences in the different regions is now one of the biggest challenges facing auto OEMs, subassembly manufacturers and semiconductor vendors. Regional differences can be huge. Auto OEMs currently sell different models in different regions. The features marketed in each region depend on factors like regulatory requirements and customer preferences. Often, these varying requirements affect vehicle design and the types of components manufacturers purchase from suppliers.

ST, for instance, said it works closely with Chinese auto manufacturers at the system level, making the "direct relationship between the automakers and semiconductor companies stronger in China, for example, than it is in Europe," according to Monti. That’s because Chinese manufacturers want system-level solutions and are glad to invite the suppliers to participate early in the design stage.

As the auto IC market continues to expand and ST and its rivals increase R&D spending, they are gaining more leverage in the market as barriers for entry by new semiconductor vendors grow. One reason is that the average auto OEM designs vehicles five years ahead of market introduction. While the types of electronics used in autos is constantly changing, these lead times create a major hurdle for new IC suppliers seeking new auto design wins.

Moreover, auto makers dealing with more frequent product recalls tend to stick with trusted suppliers.

That means emerging Chinese chip vendors will have a tough time unseating incumbents like ST as long as it can deliver what manufacturers want, when they want it. Hence, the focus of auto electronics competition for the foreseeable future will be among ST, Freescale and Renesas.

Related stories:

Higher gas prices, drive car, auto IC sales

Driving ST's auto IC strategy: Manufacturing line can't stop

TAG:Automotive Electronics STMicroelectronics Freescale Renesas China Auto ICs Auto Recalls

Wireless is bright sector in slow chip market, says IHS

Wireless is bright sector in slow chip market, says IHS

LONDON – Global semiconductor component revenue is expected to rise by 3 percent to $320.8 billion 2012, according to IHS iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.). The market research firm said that wireless market growth would be a highlight in an otherwise lackluster year.

IHS projects that semiconductor component revenue in the wireless communications category for 2012 is projected to reach $72.6 billion, up 10.4 percent from $65.8 billion in 2011. Only one other category – industrial electronics, with anticipated revenue growth of 7.7 percent – will come close this year to approaching the expansion rate of the wireless segment.

Semiconductor revenue is set to rise by just 0.7 percent in wired communications, by 1.3 percent in consumer electronics and by 2.7 percent in automotive electronics. The markets for two sectors will contract in 2012 – by 1.9 percent in data processing and by 17.9 percent in memory multichip packages (MCP).

"Semiconductor manufacturers should be cautious about engaging in any activities that do not support next-generation wireless applications," said Len Jelinek, director and chief analyst of semiconductor manufacturing at IHS, in a statement.

The strength and longevity of the ongoing growth cycle will depend on how the global economy performs through the summer. Consumer spending is being watched closely for indicators of whether people are willing to spend in the coming holiday buying season. For the remainder of 2012, inventory management will remain the most critical metric for the semiconductor market.

Related links and articles:

Higher gas prices drives car, automotive IC sales

Power semi market worth $20 billion in 2012, says Yole

Analyst lowers 2012 chip market growth forecast

TAG:IHS iSuppli market research semiconductor

Auto IC gains breathe new life into car market

Auto IC gains breathe new life into car market

GENEVA, Switzerland -- The demise of the automobile has been greatly exaggerated thanks in large part to engineering innovations by automotive electronics companies.

The auto market has been revived through a broad range of engineering innovations from suppliers like STMicroelectronics, based here, along with rivals Freescale Semiconductor and Japan’s Renesas Electronics. Among the innovations either in testing or production are technologies to help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, improved fuel efficiency and new passenger safety features.

Meanwhile, the self-driving car is no longer a dream and the automobile is becoming, for better or worse, the ultimate mobile communications and entertainment hub.

"The most important trend within the market continues to be the greater integration of infotainment features into vehicles' central head units in the dashboard or front console,” market watcher IHS said in a recent report. Making this possible are both wired and wireless connectivity features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and USB for use in navigation and telematics.

"The future of the automotive is bright," predicted Marco Monti, executive vice president and general manager of ST's automotive product group. "It used to be an object that was considered dangerous, but it is becoming a tool that is having less impact on the environment.” What’s more, the growing number of infotainment features in cars are fast becoming must-haves for consumers.

Electronics have vastly improved auto functionality, Monti added, giving drivers a batch of new sensors ranging from cameras to gyroscopes. The next step will be integrating cars with networks and greater vehicle autonomy. "You can have a car that is behaving independently of your judgment. It is getting to a point where you don't always need to know how the car is working. It just does,” Monti said.

Delivering vehicles crammed with new features while determining consumer preferences in the different regions is now one of the biggest challenges facing auto OEMs, subassembly manufacturers and semiconductor vendors. Regional differences can be huge. Auto OEMs currently sell different models in different regions. The features marketed in each region depend on factors like regulatory requirements and customer preferences. Often, these varying requirements affect vehicle design and the types of components manufacturers purchase from suppliers.

ST, for instance, said it works closely with Chinese auto manufacturers at the system level, making the "direct relationship between the automakers and semiconductor companies stronger in China, for example, than it is in Europe," according to Monti. That’s because Chinese manufacturers want system-level solutions and are glad to invite the suppliers to participate early in the design stage.

As the auto IC market continues to expand and ST and its rivals increase R&D spending, they are gaining more leverage in the market as barriers for entry by new semiconductor vendors grow. One reason is that the average auto OEM designs vehicles five years ahead of market introduction. While the types of electronics used in autos is constantly changing, these lead times create a major hurdle for new IC suppliers seeking new auto design wins.

Moreover, auto makers dealing with more frequent product recalls tend to stick with trusted suppliers.

That means emerging Chinese chip vendors will have a tough time unseating incumbents like ST as long as it can deliver what manufacturers want, when they want it. Hence, the focus of auto electronics competition for the foreseeable future will be among ST, Freescale and Renesas.

Related stories:

Higher gas prices, drive car, auto IC sales

Driving ST's auto IC strategy: Manufacturing line can't stop

TAG:Automotive Electronics STMicroelectronics Freescale Renesas China Auto ICs Auto Recalls

Wireless is bright sector in slow chip market, says IHS

Wireless is bright sector in slow chip market, says IHS

LONDON – Global semiconductor component revenue is expected to rise by 3 percent to $320.8 billion 2012, according to IHS iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.). The market research firm said that wireless market growth would be a highlight in an otherwise lackluster year.

IHS projects that semiconductor component revenue in the wireless communications category for 2012 is projected to reach $72.6 billion, up 10.4 percent from $65.8 billion in 2011. Only one other category – industrial electronics, with anticipated revenue growth of 7.7 percent – will come close this year to approaching the expansion rate of the wireless segment.

Semiconductor revenue is set to rise by just 0.7 percent in wired communications, by 1.3 percent in consumer electronics and by 2.7 percent in automotive electronics. The markets for two sectors will contract in 2012 – by 1.9 percent in data processing and by 17.9 percent in memory multichip packages (MCP).

"Semiconductor manufacturers should be cautious about engaging in any activities that do not support next-generation wireless applications," said Len Jelinek, director and chief analyst of semiconductor manufacturing at IHS, in a statement.

The strength and longevity of the ongoing growth cycle will depend on how the global economy performs through the summer. Consumer spending is being watched closely for indicators of whether people are willing to spend in the coming holiday buying season. For the remainder of 2012, inventory management will remain the most critical metric for the semiconductor market.

Related links and articles:

Higher gas prices drives car, automotive IC sales

Power semi market worth $20 billion in 2012, says Yole

Analyst lowers 2012 chip market growth forecast

TAG:IHS iSuppli market research semiconductor

Intel upgrades 3G RF chip with power amplifiers

Intel upgrades 3G RF chip with power amplifiers

LONDON – Intel Corp. (Santa Clara, Calif.) has announced the integration of a 3G HSPA radio frequency transceiver with power amplifiers on a single 65-nm die.

The company did not say where the chip is being manufactured.

The SMARTi UE2p integrates power management and sensors and allows direct connection to the battery. The chip supports multiple 3G dual-band configurations for use with Intel's HSPA modem chips.

"This will allow our customers to introduce lower-cost 3G handsets and support the transition of the machine-to-machine market segment toward 3G-based connected devices to help enable the Internet of things," said Stefan Wolff, vice president of the Intel Architecture Group, in a statement.

Intel said the SMARTi UE2p chip would be available as samples in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Related links and articles:

Imec, Murata team on reconfigurable radio IC design

Infineon attacks midrange phones with single-chip solution

TAG:Intel Infineon Smarti 3G RF transceiver semiconductor

情迷仲夏之夜 绝美珠宝花园大赏

情迷仲夏之夜 绝美珠宝花园大赏



Oscar de la Renta胸针








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  【深圳商报(微博)讯】(记者 包力 实习生 齐钊远)一伙人从缅甸走私玉石毛料,并伪造虚假的报关单证以偷逃税款.一年多时间里,仅第一被告就偷逃税款1.89亿余元.昨天,6名被告涉嫌走私普通货物罪在深圳中院出庭受审.

  检方指控,为了牟利,2010年4月至2011年5月期间,南海区紫玉翠玉器厂实际负责人、被告人严东通过广州缅翠福珠宝有限公司老板、缅甸人SEIN YEE SEIN(中文名沈语生,在逃)委托云南云乌进口有限公司(下称云乌公司)包税(包括进口税费、代理报关费、国内运输费等)进口玉石原料.其中陆路每公斤18元,空运每公斤45元.



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  继网络购物之后,如今电视购物又风行一时.宅男宅女们在家看看电视,打个电话,然后等着心仪的物品送上门就行,何其快哉.尤其是在网络购物假冒伪劣充斥之际,很多消费者认为,以电视台的诚信与实力,很多时候还有鉴定证书“作保”的网络购物,不仅让人舒心,更让人放心.果真如此吗?  且不说笔者之前曾经揭露过的电视购物里的手机陷阱,单就最近风靡一时的网络购玉而言,笔者的结论恐怕只能是三个字:不靠谱.

  挂羊头 卖狗肉














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万斤和田白玉王 万斤和田白玉王 现故宫珍藏的青白玉雕件《大禹治水图》重5000公斤,跟和田白玉王比较接近,但《大禹治水图》也只是为青白玉,在材质上较此玉还是略逊一筹.   现故宫珍藏的青白玉雕件《大禹治水图》重5000公斤,跟和田白玉王比较接近,但《大禹治水图》也只是为青白玉,在材质上较此玉还是略逊一筹.







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TAG:揭秘:空前万斤和田白玉王的收藏之路 翡翠 翡翠手镯 feicui 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



  琥珀,诞生于4000万—6000万年前,是珍贵的松鼠脂在历经地球岩层的高压、高热作用之后,产生质变的化石,以黄色最为普遍,也有红色、绿色和极为罕见的蓝色.全世界 80% — 90% 的琥珀产于波罗的海沿岸的波兰、俄罗斯、立陶宛等国家,多米尼加、中国抚顺、缅甸等也有少量琥珀出产.



  在今年收藏市场一片低迷的时候,琥珀却一枝独秀.来自上海帝泓古玩古董艺术品拍卖行的消息称:“琥珀价格一月上涨50%. ”北京欧美蒂天然琥珀经销商告诉记者:“琥珀价格现在一直是上涨阶段,从我们上货情况来看,今天比去年的价格就涨了近60% .它与金银不同,金银还有涨有落 ,但天然琥珀由于矿源越来越少,所以只会涨不会落.”





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  晓笛 文 大乔 摄

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Designer Purses The ideal Accessory For women Womens Leather Handbag On Sale

Females purses are considered as style statement that will make or break each outfit that a lady is putting on. An increasing number of women are craving for designer and high-class handbags but they frequently absence the desired funds. Figuring out how to invest in handbags with the ideal value absolutely saves you quite a few pounds and allows you for being thrifty and great at the same time. Trying to find the very best priced handbags could be tiresome however it is possible to purchase stylish handbags without the need of shelling out a great deal. These purses are surely helpful for carrying significantly desired items and stuffs but quite often these are generally considered as components. Many purses go properly with just about any outfits but some others will also be saved for specific situations and capabilities. It is very major to buy handbags that should very last for various more ages.

Whenever you are attempting to find an excellent handbag go for fashion, durability and affordability. Model is very important since it defines who you’re. Sturdiness will likely be a figuring out aspect regardless of whether you can also make usage of your purses a great deal of days. Getting an accessory, buying cost-effective handbags is have to because you will also be investing a lot on garments together with other things. Fashion is quite important for most gals because they usually need to look their grandest in every little thing from your way they look and carry by themselves. Adult females frequently get mad around designer items which are sold a lot reduce than their original price tag. Designer and magnificent purses are shopping items that women cannot prevent acquiring.

Once we speak about vogue and design and style, ladies will normally uncover a number of ways to look for stylish stuffs and equipment that will make them appear their best. Whether or not designer purses really are a minor bit high-priced adult females will regularly search lots of acquire options simply to acquire handbags that could make them stand out. When ever they really are to the search for these kinds of handbags, they are going to be obligated to order them on the web or in other retail suppliers for a discounted selling price. What exactly is significant is always that they’ve acquired designer handbags with no investing too significantly. These handbags are unquestionably crafted from premium quality resources and so are typically thought to be a looking expense.

Designer handbags built by well known personalities are absolutely pricier which only handful of women can manage. If you are among these ladies there is absolutely no need in your case to fret considering the fact that these purses are actually offered at decreased price ranges. You may have the opportunity to save various hundred pounds even so make certain which you are getting the real matter. Make some research to guarantee that that which you are receiving at is definitely an reliable purse for any less costly selling price. Save hundreds of dollars each and every time you purchase a designer purse. You don’t have to devote a great deal on these handbags just ensure that what you are procuring is just not a faux. Get started your shopping spree now and be stylish. Have your designer handbags and seem wonderful all the time.

Designer Purses The ideal Accessory For women Womens Leather Handbag On Sale

TAG:accessory designer ideal purses women

Auto IC gains breath new life into car market

Auto IC gains breath new life into car market

GENEVA, Switzerland -- The demise of the automobile has been greatly exaggerated thanks in large part to engineering innovations by automotive electronics companies.

The auto market has been revived through a broad range of engineering innovations from suppliers like STMicroelectronics, based here, along with rivals Freescale Semiconductor and Japan’s Renesas Electronics. Among the innovations either in testing or production are technologies to help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, improved fuel efficiency and new passenger safety features.

Meanwhile, the self-driving car is no longer a dream and the automobile is becoming, for better or worse, the ultimate mobile communications and entertainment hub.

"The most important trend within the market continues to be the greater integration of infotainment features into vehicles' central head units in the dashboard or front console,” market watcher IHS said in a recent report. Making this possible are both wired and wireless connectivity features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and USB for use in navigation and telematics.

"The future of the automotive is bright," predicted Marco Monti, executive vice president and general manager of ST's automotive product group. "It used to be an object that was considered dangerous, but it is becoming a tool that is having less impact on the environment.” What’s more, the growing number of infotainment features in cars are fast becoming must-haves for consumers.

Electronics have vastly improved auto functionality, Monti added, giving drivers a batch of new sensors ranging from cameras to gyroscopes. The next step will be integrating cars with networks and greater vehicle autonomy. "You can have a car that is behaving independently of your judgment. It is getting to a point where you don't always need to know how the car is working. It just does,” Monti said.

Delivering vehicles crammed with new features while determining consumer preferences in the different regions is now one of the biggest challenges facing auto OEMs, subassembly manufacturers and semiconductor vendors. Regional differences can be huge. Auto OEMs currently sell different models in different regions. The features marketed in each region depend on factors like regulatory requirements and customer preferences. Often, these varying requirements affect vehicle design and the types of components manufacturers purchase from suppliers.

ST, for instance, said it works closely with Chinese auto manufacturers at the system level, making the "direct relationship between the automakers and semiconductor companies stronger in China, for example, than it is in Europe," according to Monti. That’s because Chinese manufacturers want system-level solutions and are glad to invite the suppliers to participate early in the design stage.

As the auto IC market continues to expand and ST and its rivals increase R&D spending, they are gaining more leverage in the market as barriers for entry by new semiconductor vendors grow. One reason is that the average auto OEM designs vehicles five years ahead of market introduction. While the types of electronics used in autos is constantly changing, these lead times create a major hurdle for new IC suppliers seeking new auto design wins.

Moreover, auto makers dealing with more frequent product recalls tend to stick with trusted suppliers.

That means emerging Chinese chip vendors will have a tough time unseating incumbents like ST as long as it can deliver what manufacturers want, when they want it. Hence, the focus of auto electronics competition for the foreseeable future will be among ST, Freescale and Renesas.

Related stories:

Higher gas prices, drive car, auto IC sales

Driving ST's auto IC strategy: Manufacturing line can't stop

TAG:Automotive Electronics STMicroelectronics Freescale Renesas China Auto ICs Auto Recalls

Clemmer: NXP debt under control, focusing on design wins

Clemmer: NXP debt under control, focusing on design wins

NEW YORK—When NXP Semiconductor went public two years ago, the company was debt-ridden with $4.5 billion on its books and faced with the arduous task of streamlining its product portfolio to emerge as a formidable competitor in the electronics industry.

Fast forward to today and, well, NXP’s net debt is still a hefty $3.1 billion. But president and chief executive Rick Clemmer believes NXP has the opportunity in “a matter of quarters, not years to be below two-times EBITDA [earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization],” which puts it in an investment-grade position from a metric viewpoint.

Although the credit rating agencies might not put NXP in that category, the company is on the right track. In the last 12 months, NXP reduced its debt by $900 million by generating cash while securing key design wins and selling off nonessential businesses.

In fact, NXP is working on one design win that’s worth nearly $1 billion in revenue over a three-year product life, Clemmer said in an interview here this week (July 25). Clemmer wouldn’t give any details about this potential customer. Still, it takes a number of those design wins to keep the engine running.

“We have company-specific design wins that will allow us to grow, even with a rather anemic economic environment,” Clemmer said.

TAG:NXP Semiconductor Rick Clemmer Financial Results Design Wins Debt Reduction NXP Clemmer NFC

Clemmer: NXP debt under control, focusing on design wins

Clemmer: NXP debt under control, focusing on design wins

NEW YORK—When NXP Semiconductor went public two years ago, the company was debt-ridden with $4.5 billion on its books and faced with the arduous task of streamlining its product portfolio to emerge as a formidable competitor in the electronics industry.

Fast forward to today and, well, NXP’s net debt is still a hefty $3.1 billion. But president and chief executive Rick Clemmer believes NXP has the opportunity in “a matter of quarters, not years to be below two-times EBITDA [earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization],” which puts it in an investment-grade position from a metric viewpoint.

Although the credit rating agencies might not put NXP in that category, the company is on the right track. In the last 12 months, NXP reduced its debt by $900 million by generating cash while securing key design wins and selling off nonessential businesses.

In fact, NXP is working on one design win that’s worth nearly $1 billion in revenue over a three-year product life, Clemmer said in an interview here this week (July 25). Clemmer wouldn’t give any details about this potential customer. Still, it takes a number of those design wins to keep the engine running.

“We have company-specific design wins that will allow us to grow, even with a rather anemic economic environment,” Clemmer said.

NXP’s high-performance mixed-signal 2Q revenue breakdown by market

TAG:NXP Semiconductor Rick Clemmer Financial Results Design Wins Debt Reduction NXP Clemmer NFC